Lobbying to Protect our Taxpayer Dollars from Abortion

Guest Post by Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

In the pro-life movement, we work to protect babies, moms and dads, and our whole society from the devastating wounds of abortion.

We also work to protect our hard-earned taxpayer dollars from funding it.

As I wrote in my Gateway Pundit article a month ago, the meetings we have been hosting of national and state pro-life groups have revealed a strong consensus that now is the time to really push our lawmakers to end the long history of funding the killing of children.

In these weeks, lobbying in Washington and in local districts, and public pro-life demonstrations, are driving home that point.

When we discuss abolishing abortion, we often talk about the need to not only change laws and policies, but to change minds and hearts. And that’s certainly true – the two activities go hand in hand and influence each other.

But there’s a third realm of activity that is part of the mix. We have to weaken the abortion industry. An industry funded with hundreds of millions of our taxpayer dollars each year, and selling a million abortions a year, is not easily ended.

Weakening this monster means bringing down the numbers of abortions, of abortion facilities, and of abortionists, and likewise the numbers of dollars flowing into it.

The funding streams for abortion are numerous. They are on the state, federal, and international level. Some are controlled by the Executive branch alone; others require Congressional action.

President Trump has taken executive action to cut off some of these funding streams; multiple bills have been introduced in Congress to do so as well. And next week, the Supreme Court is hearing a case about the rights of states to cut off such funding.

Meanwhile, DOGE is creating a climate very favorable to stopping unnecessary funding that has gone on for decades.

When we say we want to “defund Big Abortion,” this means both the funding of the abortion procedure itself as well as of any organization that performs or promotes abortion. The largest such organization is Planned Parenthood.

We at Priests for Life are organizing, in coming weeks, a grassroots effort to have citizens visit the local offices of their Congressional Representative and their two US Senators, and urge them to support every effort to protect our taxpayer money from funding abortion. (See www.ProLifeVote.com). Poll after poll shows the majority of Americans do not want their money funding abortion.

In this effort, citizens should avoid the mistake, on the one hand, of saying, “I don’t have to talk to my representative/senator – He/she is already solidly pro-life.”

The reason we have to communicate even with the most committed pro-life lawmakers is to back them up. We need to give them the evidence of our support, so that they can go into Congressional debates and say, “I heard from thousands of my constituents about this issue.”

And for a similar reason, we should avoid the mistake of saying, “My representative/senator is so pro-abortion, they will never listen to me.”

That may be true, but not every communication with them is meant to change their minds. It is meant to help them count. We are here, they work for us, and their job depends on our vote. We need our voices not just to out-argue, but to out-number the voices on the other side.

The time has come to stop funding abortion. This will be a big step, and an integral component, to making America great again.

ProLifeVote.com, the lobbying arm of Priests for Life, under the leadership of Frank Pavone, made 65 million voter contacts for last year’s election, as well as 390,000 pastors’ contacts, and conducted numerous voter training seminars across the nation.

The post Lobbying to Protect our Taxpayer Dollars from Abortion appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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