BREAKING IN WISCONSIN: Appellate Court Blocks Democrats’ Effort to Allow Voting Online Outside Election Law

Guest post by Jefferson Davis

Wisconsin Supreme Court

Madison – Activist leftist judges in Dane County and progressive liberal democrat operatives were dealt a major blow on Wednesday, March 12th, by the 2nd District Court of Appeals when the 3-Member Appellate Court unanimously blocked the liberal’s cooperative effort to create legislation out of thin air while attempting to inject as many ballots as possible into elections with very little verification and or oversight for electors by Clerks and their Staffs.
The Democrats wanted this plan in place for the Wisconsin Supreme Court Race on April 1st.
Activist leftist judges in Dane County and their progressive liberal democrat partners (Disability Rights Wisconsin and League of Women Voters) were successful in creating new State of Wisconsin Election Law out of thin air in June of 2024 when far-left progressive activist Dane County Circuit Court Judge Everett Mitchell ruled that,
“…voters who self-certify that they can’t read or mark a paper ballot without help to request absentee ballots electronically from local clerks. The voters can then cast their ballots at home using devices that help them read and write independently. They will still be required to mail the ballots back to the clerks or return them in person, the same as any other absentee voter in the state.” (Click here for full story.
This ruling was immediately appealed by the Republican-Controlled Legislature in August of 2024.
The liberal Dane County Circuit Court Judge’s ruling was put on hold by the Appellate Court so that this liberal ruling would not be implemented in time for the 2024 Wisconsin Presidential Election.
Estimates are that less than 100,000 adult Wisconsin residents may have some visual impairment.
The unapologetic and brazen efforts of leftist activist judges and progressive liberal democrat operatives are to apply the Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals”, plan of picking a target and then put that plan on steroids via the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Transforming America.
The democrats and their operatives have bottomless pits of cash, endless lists of attorneys (Elias, Eisen, Holder, etc.) a cadre of sympathetic judges, total disregard for the law and sycophant plaintiffs that play this movie of attacking election integrity over and over again knowing that they probably won’t prevail in the end, but at least they gummed up the system in the process with the press and media bobbing their heads in approval with their fawning coverage of events.
In Wisconsin, only military and overseas voters are allowed to have a ballot emailed to them.
The three 2nd District Appellate Court Judges (Gundrum, Lazar and Grogan) are to be commended and thanked profusely for their law-and-order ruling of simply following the law and blocking attempts by leftist activist judges and democrat operatives to usurp the Legislature and creating laws out of thin air that would obviously benefit democrat efforts to inject more ballots into elections.
The liberal progressive democrat operatives will not appeal this ruling. They may continue to pursue their efforts of changing the law at the Circuit Court level with a friendly activist judge.
Republican Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu called the ruling, “A victory for the rule of law and election security in Wisconsin! Allowing courts to decide who can vote from home, using the internet, would weaken election integrity and hurt voters’ faith in our elections.”
Shockingly, even the Wisconsin Department of Justice, under the direction of Hillary Clinton operative Josh Kaul, which represented the Wisconsin Elections Commission, admitted this process would be open to “security risks” and could cause “confusion”.

The post BREAKING IN WISCONSIN: Appellate Court Blocks Democrats’ Effort to Allow Voting Online Outside Election Law appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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