Barack Obama

By Wayne Allyn Root

In just the past few hours, we have uncovered perhaps the biggest scandal of the Biden presidency. It turns out Joe Biden never signed anything- no laws, no Executive Orders, no legal documents, nothing. They were all signed by autopen. There were no original signatures.

Which makes them all illegal. That makes everything that happened and passed during the past four years null and void.

But that brings up the question of the century: If Biden never signed anything, who did? Who was calling the shots? Who was running the country? I know the answer…

All roads lead to Obama.

The spying on Trump. The conspiracy to indict Trump and put an innocent man in prison. All the crimes committed by Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while their boss was Obama. The stolen 2020 election. And brain-dead Biden’s term that turns out to be one big scam with Obama calling the shots- but this time, unelected.

I covered all of this in my last two columns that are part of this “The Criminal Case Against Obama” trilogy.

This is Part 3.

One quick aside. I would argue even the autopen scandal is not the biggest scandal, crime and conspiracy of the past four years. The rigged and stolen 2020 election is the biggest.

That should be the number target of Kash Patel and his army of FBI agents and investigators. Prove the 2020 election was stolen. Then, indict, arrest and convict the perpetrators for TREASON. Send them all to Guantanamo for life. Set an example. This can never happen again.

And I’m telling you- Obama is the ringleader.

But don’t just depend on my gut instincts. Here are the words of a retired, high-level, CIA insider who contacted me to lay out the criminal case against Obama. I asked him for bullet points in “Cliff Note” form.”

Here they are…

These (below) are the roles of former Presidents Obama and Biden, with assists from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and AG Eric Holder. They played key roles in the most significant sedition coup in American history- the conspiracy to transform America into a Marxist State, that adversely impacted U.S. National Security.

First, here are President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s roles in selling out the country to the Russians that impacted U.S. National Security…

*Selling U.S. Uranium stockpiles to the Russians.

*Coordinated U.S. Tech companies’ partnerships with the Russian government in setting up Moscow’s version of a Silicon Valley tech center in Skolkovo, Russia.

*Ignored warnings to the threat of major technology transfers from the FBI and U.S. military in granting access to the Russians to our college and Universities research facilities in the U.S.

Second, the Obama administration began spying on American citizens in violation of court-ordered surveillance procedures…

*In 2011, President Obama loosened surveillance “minimization procedures,” lowering the bar for oversight of the communications of American citizens who got swept up in foreign intelligence surveillance.

*This change in intelligence collection surveillance procedures allowed the Obama administration to exploit the tools of the NSA (National Security Agency), the intelligence community’s cryptology and signals intelligence powerhouse, which collects data on hundreds of millions of Americans.

*The Office of the ODNI (Director of National Intelligence) revealed that the FBI conducted roughly 3.39 million searches “using the identity of a presumed U.S. person” from December 1, 2020, to November 30, 2021, without a warrant.

*The FBI had a private contracting unit at the NSA that downloaded NSA files and after the NSA audit, the unit left the NSA. The FBI never identified this private contracting entity, or explained what they did with the NSA information that was downloaded?

Third, Obama and Holder’s roles in weaponizing the National Security Division for political purposes, to go after American citizens and their political opponents…

*In 2014 Attorney General Eric Holder changed the entire DOJ organizational chart, making the Deputy AG the DOJ’s main “point man” for the entire national security process.

*Obama/Holder established control over the FBI using security clearances in purging the DOJ/FBI and hiring ideological employees who thought exactly like them (ie Marxist/communist traitors).

*This filtration of security clearances facilitated the careful selection of fellow ideologues within the whole U.S. government/federal bureaucracy as Obama’s FBI controlled the security clearance process.

Fourth, Obama’s shutdown of the FDDC (Foreign Denial and Deception Committee) while ignoring the warnings of the Intelligence Community…

*In March 2016, President Obama shut down the CIA unit strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC), the unit responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat operating for over 40 years.

* In August 2016, President Obama ignored warnings by the US Intelligence Community at the height of increased Russian cyber threats, by issuing a stand-down order for US Intelligence agencies to counter Russian cyber-attacks.

Fifth, Obama’s role in the ICA (Intelligence Community Assessment Report)…

*On December 6, 2016, President Obama ordered the Director of The Central Intelligence Agency to assess the impact of the Russian activities of the Intelligence Community agencies (FBI, CIA, and NSA) on the Russian Interference.

*Obama’s directive ensured that Obama’s own Intelligence Chiefs would complete the report and that the report would be submitted only to the President, allowing President Obama to control the narrative. CIA Director Brennan and FBI counterespionage chief Peter Strzok headed the effort.

*January 2017, outgoing President Obama issued an EO (Executive Order) directing the NSA to distribute data collected via wiretapping, and the December 2016 ICA review to be distributed to all of the 16 other US intelligence agencies, making it easier for the nation’s intelligence agencies to share unfiltered information about innocent people, and more difficult for investigators to identify leakers.

Sixth, OBAMA allowing the FBI investigations of Team Trump to proceed is in itself evidence implicating Obama in this conspiracy to destroy Trump…

*Late July 2016, President Obama allowed the FBI investigations into “Team Trump” to go forward after being briefed by Director Brennan after the head of British Intelligence told Brennan that the Russians had intercepted conversations of Hillary’s team discussing a criminal scheme by the Clinton campaign and DNC to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election, by tainting Trump with Russian collusion to cover up Hillary Clinton email scandal.

*The Mueller team and the FBI investigation ignored Hillary Clinton-DNC’s plan to interfere in the 2016 election; John Podesta’s ties to Russian oligarchs and government officials; and Christopher Steele’s and Bruce Ohr’s ties to Oleg Deripaska and other Russian Oligarchs with links to the Russian government.

Finally, for the last eight years, the American public has been subject to the most extensive disinformation campaign ever perpetuated by the U.S. government against their own citizens, with a complicit mainstream media covering up the most comprehensive and Machiavellian conspiracy plan ever devised, the “Russian Hoax Conspiracy.”

*President Obama and his administration were the originators of this Conspiracy plan, implemented and planned at the highest levels of government by Obama and his administration, the DNC (Democratic National Committee), Hillary Clinton, and their PR wing, the mainstream media.

*Then, they continued the Conspiracy plan under Biden and his Administration using government weaponization and unprecedented lawfare to try to destroy Trump with both criminal and civil charges, to put him in prison, and to strip him of his wealth, all to further their plan to transform America into a Marxist utopia. (END)

Thanks to this CIA insider for laying out the criminal case against Obama.

He had a front row seat to this criminal conspiracy at the highest levels of the Obama government. But to me, the bigger criminal conspiracies and treasonous scandals all occurred AFTER Trump’s first term.

Obama and his communist cabal rigged and stole the 2020 election, so Trump would never get a second term, and then they rigged the Biden presidency by using brain-dead Biden as a puppet front man, while an unelected Barack Obama actually ran the country into the ground.

And then there’s the massive criminal conspiracy to open the border and welcome a foreign invasion of our country to intentionally destroy America, and turn our beloved country into a one-party state, with Democrats in control forever more.

Not only would Democrats control all the power; and all the money (the trillions of dollars in the budget of the United States); and all the government contracts; but this would assure no Republican could ever win again- thereby saving all of the criminal conspirators from either prison, or the death penalty for treason.

And of course, as an insurance policy against President Trump creating an election “too big to rig,” despite the open border and the millions of new illegal alien voters, next Obama and his communist cabal carried out the conspiracy to destroy and demonize Trump, and put him away in prison for life.

Enough Obama crimes and conspiracies for you?

That concludes my trilogy- “The Criminal Case Against Barack Obama.”

The rest is up to FBI Director Kash Patel, Attorney General Pam Bondi and the DOJ, and “the boss” President Donald J. Trump.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, businessman, best-selling author, and national conservative TV and radio host who has interviewed President Trump 16 times. Watch Wayne’s TV shows “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV at Noon ET on Saturdays and “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” at Untamed Nation.com and Rumble daily at 6 PM ET. His web site is ROOTforAmerica.com. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!


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