‘So Egregious’: Police Demand Residents Take Down Trump Sign

Credit: World Net Daily

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

‘Governmental regulation of the posting of political signs implicates free speech rights under the First Amendment.’

It’s being described as a First Amendment victory and it involves a town in Ohio abandoning its censorship of political signs on private property.

A report from the American Center for Law and Justice explains the fight got its start when police officers in Carrollton, Ohio, showed up at a front door and ordered a resident to remove a political sign from his front yard.

It was because of an ordinance that read, “Political signs may be exhibited not more than thirty days before nor more than seven days after the date of any election.”

The residents, confronted with the town’s censorship plan, contacted the ACLJ, which has a long history of fighting for constitutional rights.

“On behalf of our clients, the ACLJ sent a demand letter to the village of Carrollton, demanding that it stop enforcing this unconstitutional ordinance and preventing our clients from displaying political signs in their yard. Only one day after receiving our letter, the village of Carrollton responded and agreed to meet our demands – a major victory for free speech,” the legal team reported.

“We are also thankful because the village has now completely repealed the political sign prohibition. In a newly revised ordinance, the village explicitly acknowledged that ‘governmental regulation of the posting of political signs implicates free speech rights under the First Amendment.’ It stated the desire to ‘avoid the threatened free speech litigation over the Village of Carrollton’s current regulation and restriction of political signs,’” the report said.

The result was an amended ordinance that entirely eliminates a subsection that had banned political signs.

The report said the residents initially thought the police officers were joking, as their order to remove a political sign “was so egregious.”

The political sign that prompted the fight, in fact, was one promoting now-President Donald Trump.

Copyright 2025 WND News Center

The post ‘So Egregious’: Police Demand Residents Take Down Trump Sign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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