Head of Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime Unit ‘Shocked’ After Trump DOJ Fires Him with Two-Sentence Memo

Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Trump’s DOJ fired Adam Cohen, the head of the department’s drug trafficking and organized crime unit, in a brutal two-sentence memo.

“The Justice Department on Thursday sent out a memo referencing Cohen’s task force, saying it would combine the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces with the Project Safe Neighborhoods Program. Together, the new entity would be called Operation Take Back America,” The Hill reported.

Adam Cohen said “it was a shock” to receive a two-sentence memo informing him that he had been terminated.

The memo was reportedly signed last week by Acting DAG Emil Bove.

“Less than 24 hours ago, I received a two-sentence memorandum addressed to me from the Deputy Attorney General (DAG). It stated that I had been removed from my Senior Executive Service position and that pursuant to Article II of the Constitution, my employment with the U.S. Department of Justice was terminated,” Adam Cohen wrote on LinkedIn.

“It was a shock. I had met with the Acting DAG every Tuesday evening (including 3 days before) to talk about important violent crime initiatives. I had spent last weekend editing a memorandum sent out under the DAG’s signature 18 hours before my termination.”

“I have been a prosecutor seeking justice for over 34 years. As a litigator, I never looked at the color of a defendant’s skin, never thought to check the religion or gender of a victim I was advocating for. Of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of cases that I handled, first in Miami, then in D.C., then around the nation and the world – I never once knew the political party of any of the players involved — defendants, victims, witnesses, attorneys, judges, courtroom clerks…,” he wrote.

“Putting bad guys in jail was as apolitical as it gets. Who they voted for never came up. Does anyone like drug dealers? Not even drug dealers like drug dealers,” he said.

“My personal politics were never relevant. Not until yesterday,” Adam Cohen wrote.

Emil Bove has been cleaning house and also fired several prosecutors who worked on January 6 cases.

The post Head of Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime Unit ‘Shocked’ After Trump DOJ Fires Him with Two-Sentence Memo appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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