Radical Leftist Rep. Ilhan Omar Admits Democrats Want to Win so They Can Pack the U.S. Supreme Court (VIDEO)

Radical Democrat Ilhan Omar wants to remake the Supreme Court

Radical leftist Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota recently admitted that Democrats plan to pack the U.S. Supreme Court if they win the election.

The nation’s highest court has become an obsession of hatred for Democrats ever since Trump added three justices during his first term. Even though the court is a co-equal branch of government with Congress and the Executive Branch, Democrats in the House and Senate have repeatedly vowed to pack the court and impose term limits on justices who have lifetime appointments.

Bear in mind, these are the same people who call Trump a threat to democracy.

Ilhan Omar is coming right out and admitting their intentions. She recently tweeted:

We need to radically reform the broken Supreme Court. That starts with:

– Expanding the number of Justices
– A binding, enforceable code of ethics
– Imposing term limits

Watch her video:

We need to radically reform the broken Supreme Court. That starts with:

– Expanding the number of Justices
– A binding, enforceable code of ethics
– Imposing term limits

SCOTUS reform is on the ballot in November. 17 days left until Election Day. pic.twitter.com/GiXVugx9aD

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) October 19, 2024

People on Twitter/X responded to her message, saying that Democrats are the real threat here:

This is right out of Mussolini’s playbook. He replaced impartial judges ( those who followed the rule of law) with those sympathetic to fascism. He formed tribunals with judges to try his his political opponents & threatened judges to get desired rulings. https://t.co/MtOQHmdAGq

— Peter L. D. (@PeterDeGiglio) October 19, 2024

Hey look, that court packing thing the Democrats totally are not planning to do is coming up again. Lol

Darn those people using the constitution and law against your desire for power. https://t.co/g2FnuAnjg9

— hand basket (@InAHandBa5ket) October 19, 2024

Ilhan Omar: packing the Supreme Court “is on the ballot in November” https://t.co/jLVtMmbzMW

— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) October 19, 2024

People don’t realize how dangerous this is. https://t.co/q7pEwdH4CI

— CommonSenseandBeerPodcast (@Commonsensebeer) October 19, 2024

They quite literally want to destroy the Constitution. https://t.co/5Ki7rp39ZP

— Doot Doot Bandicoot (@snoopalupadoop) October 19, 2024

When they tell you they want to overthrow our democracy, believe them. https://t.co/rf5Ul2pRKX

— Blaise Bailey Finnegan III (@TPAssailant) October 19, 2024

The radical left is the true threat to the Constitution and democracy.

The post Radical Leftist Rep. Ilhan Omar Admits Democrats Want to Win so They Can Pack the U.S. Supreme Court (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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