Black Men Respond to Obama’s Scolding, Double Down on Support for Donald Trump: ‘I Got a Dad, I Know Who He Is, And He Ain’t You’

Former President Barack Obama’s attempt to shame “brothers” into voting for Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t sat well with black men.

Obama was at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania Thursday, lecturing a group of blacks on their lack of turnout for Harris, particularly males.

“We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all corners of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama said. “Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.”

Sickening. Watch a weary, broken Obama descend into end-stage race hatred politics. Obama barks at scared young black men, demanding ‘the brothas’ support Kamala because she ‘grew up like you’ and ‘went to college with you’ and had to ‘work harder.’
Pure Racist identity politics:

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 11, 2024

Obama then said the reason black men weren’t voting for Harris was because she was a woman, Fox News reported.

“[P]art of it makes me think, and I’m speaking to men directly… that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that,” he said.

Many took to social media to criticize the former president, including former Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones.

.@BarackObama should be ashamed for berating, rebuking and scolding Black men, because they won’t vote for Madam Lock Up A Brother…@KamalaHarris. As if we are too stupid to vote our interest and what best for ourselves and our families.

BO, you owe every Black man in America…

— Vernon Jones (@VernonForGA) October 11, 2024

“For him to want to come down from his mansion in Martha’s Vineyard and tell black men how we should vote … Really?” Jones said.

“You don’t even live in Chicago anymore. You left your black community, Barack Obama. You want to tell us how to vote? We’re not having that, and we’re not voting for Kamala Harris,” he said.

Conservative activist CJ Pearson also rebuked Obama.

My name is CJ Pearson. I’m 22 years old. And in 25 days, I’ll be joining millions of other young black men and voting for Donald J. Trump!

And we don’t give a damn about what Barack Obama has to say about it.

— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) October 11, 2024

“Barack Obama … believes that black men should set aside our disagreements, set aside our grievances and just ‘take one for the team,’” Pearson said.

“Barack, we’ve been ‘taking one for the team,’ when it comes to supporting the Democrat Party, for decades. And what do we have to show for it? Our inner cities are destroyed, violent crime is up, we are living in poverty in far too many communities across this country.

“That is the reality of progressive policies in this country and all across America.”

Conservative podcaster Rod Smith also slammed Obama in an X clip.

Sorry Obama!


I am voting for DONALD TRUMP on November 5th!

And NO amount of LECTURING or SHAMING is going to change that.


— Rob Smith (@robsmithonline) October 11, 2024

“Sorry, Obama, I’m a black man, and I’m voting for Donald Trump for president, and there’s no amount of lecturing, or bullying or shaming that you can do, that is going to make me change that decision,” Smith said.

“You may be the surrogate black dad for a lot of fatherless black boys that are running around this country, but I’ve got a dad, I know who he is, and it ain’t you,” Smith said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Black Men Respond to Obama’s Scolding, Double Down on Support for Donald Trump: ‘I Got a Dad, I Know Who He Is, And He Ain’t You’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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