WORD SALAD: Kamala Harris Gives Total Non-Answer When Asked How She Plans to Lower the Cost of Living (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris did her ‘interview’ town hall meeting with Oprah Winfrey tonight and things went about as well as could be expected any time she goes off script.

A young couple attending the event via Zoom asked Kamala what she would do the lower the cost of living and naturally, she had no answer.

Harris launched into one of her typical word salads full of meaningless platitudes and zero details.

She actually said this:

KAMALA: “In terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American Dream is, for this generation & so many recently, far more elusive than it’s been, and we need to deal with that.”

She then says one thing that would help is lowering the prices of everyday goods. Which is exactly what the couple was asking. How does she plan to do that? She gave a non-answer answer. Watch:

KAMALA: “In terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American Dream is, for this generation & so many recently, far more elusive than it’s been, and we need to deal with that.”

Huh? pic.twitter.com/bIH2JA8ikN

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 20, 2024

This is exactly why her team doesn’t want her to do more media.

This is truly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard https://t.co/G5tJDio7nk

— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) September 20, 2024

Train wreck of word salad

— Paul A. Szypula (@Bubblebathgirl) September 20, 2024

Don’t you just wish someone would say first: Without a bunch of mashed up words that make NO SENSE…Can you answer a direct question? The minute she starts in with her nonsense they stop her and say Listen to my words, just answer my question, if you can’t do that maybe you…

— Mickie (@GriffinTheory) September 20, 2024

She is incapable of addressing the number one issue in this election. It’s just stunning.

The post WORD SALAD: Kamala Harris Gives Total Non-Answer When Asked How She Plans to Lower the Cost of Living (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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