Old Video Reveals Anti-Trump Mark Cuban Promised to Vote For Trump if Dems Ever Went This Far: Now They Have

Billionaire “Shark Tank” star Mark Cuban isn’t coy about sharing his disdain for former President Donald Trump.

This disdain has manifested itself in the form of support for Trump’s opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, in equal measure ever since the Democrats forced out their mentally deteriorating incumbent.

But, as it turns out, Cuban wasn’t always so gung-ho about voting Democrat.

In fact, a resurfaced video of the billionaire reveals that he once threatened to vote for Trump if the party ever went far-left enough to tap Sen. Elizabeth Warren as its vice presidential nominee.

Well, the Democrat party went even further to the left this year when it chose to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat ranked as the most liberal senator — more liberal than Sen. Warren even — during her tenure in Congress.

Cuban made the comment in 2016 during an appearance on Fox Business.

A resurfaced video of the interview shared to X by the account @mazemoore on Sunday now has well over 3 million views.

June, 2016. Mark Cuban says that if Hillary chooses Elizabeth Warren for VP, he will most likely vote for Trump.

“Taking it that far left would be a huge mistake.”

Now Cuban shills for Kamala, probably the most liberal and radical nominee in American history. pic.twitter.com/QVFjkyIWPY

— MAZE (@mazemoore) September 8, 2024

“If Hillary Clinton decides Elizabeth Warren is the one for her on the VP ticket…” the Fox Business host began before Cuban cut him off.

“…then there’s a good chance I vote for Donald Trump,” Cuban said.

At the time, Cuban agreed that nominating a candidate with Warren’s anti-business — bordering on socialist — views would be a step too far for the party.

“We need to be more center. Elizabeth Warren has accomplished a lot in her life, but taking it that far left would be a huge mistake,” Cuban continued.

Many of Warren’s most radical views are related to economic policy.

Billionaire businessmen are well aware of the high taxes on businesses that Warren is in favor of end up hurting consumers and lower-level employees of those businesses far more than the far-left would like to admit.

Yet, despite knowing better, Cuban now supports a candidate for president that has been historically to the left of Warren on all issues, including economics.

Shockingly, CNN is exactly right.

I served with Kamala Harris in the Senate, and she was proudly to the left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

She even supported taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for illegal aliens. https://t.co/AIuV24fjqc

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) September 10, 2024

Sure, as of right now, Harris is attempting to moderate her policy stances just as Trump is.

That’s what all candidates do during the general election in a bid to win over swing voters.

But let’s not forget, that the 2020 Biden-Harris ticket ran on centrism. For many, they represented a return to normalcy.

After entering office, however, the Biden-Harris administration became the most progressive and far-left presidential administration in U.S. history.

Do businessmen like Cuban really want more of that? Apparently he does. But why have his values changed so drastically since 2016?

The answer to that question is three simple words: Trump Derangement Syndrome.

In other words, Cuban knows better.

But as much as he cares for his employees and the American people in general who will suffer under the nonsense economic policies of a Harris-led administration, he hates Trump that much more.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Old Video Reveals Anti-Trump Mark Cuban Promised to Vote For Trump if Dems Ever Went This Far: Now They Have appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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