Wokism: The End of Coexistence and Forgiveness

In opposition to Christian civilization, «wokism» admits neither coexistence nor forgiveness, creating an atmosphere that is as suffocating as it is exclusionary, fracturing society. In this context, the spoils are particularly enticing for Islamists.

Perhaps this is more evident in Europe than in America.
Nonetheless, Islamism advances, filling a spiritual void through force and with the complicity of the «elites.»

While everything that may sound Christian or Western is denigrated, Islamism is presented to us with «friendly exoticism» as something foreign to our being.

We’ve especially noticed this since the days of the «hippies» and their derivatives.

There is no logic in the alliance between «wokism» and Islamism beyond their shared hatred of Christianity and the West. And the West cannot be understood without the concept of Hispanidad or the unity of Hispanic peoples, as the Quito historian Francisco Núñez del Arco rightly points out—the first Atlantism was Hispanic, synthesized in a Catholic Monarchy that expanded across continents, whose cultural legacy we inherit.

«Wokism» has issued a totalitarian sentence (or fatwa…) on everything, even dictating how we should dress or eat. Music, humor, and so many facets of everyday life must pass through its steamroller filter.

For this reason, «wokism» seeks to silence us with fierce censorship, coupled with an oppression based on whims as fleeting as they are Orwellian.

«Wokism» is not compatible with our civilization. And so many years of «silence» have been exploited by what the Argentinians Agustín Laje and Nicolás Márquez call the «new left,» but which, in truth, is just as functional—or even more so—for many who claim to be on the «right» and don’t even tolerate the slightest dissent within the left, paradoxical as it may sound.

Given this situation, we must be realistic in our analysis and get to work to fight for what is good and true on all fronts, not just in politics; because «wokism» is a genuine weapon of mass destruction that others are already using to wipe us out.

María Herrera Mellado es una abogada en EE.UU. y España y Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas. Completó sus estudios de grado y posgrado en EE.UU. y Europa. Profesional distinguida, la Dra. Herrera es conocida por su amplia experiencia en políticas públicas, asuntos legales y relaciones internacionales. Su reconocimiento proviene de sus contribuciones a diversas organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, centradas en temas como la integridad electoral, los derechos humanos y la gobernanza democrática. María ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la defensa de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en los procesos políticos, y sus esfuerzos han sido instrumentales para impulsar reformas y fomentar el desarrollo sostenible en varias regiones. Su formación académica y experiencias profesionales la convierten en una voz respetada en el debate sobre los desafíos políticos y legales contemporáneos.

The post Wokism: The End of Coexistence and Forgiveness appeared first on Gateway Hispanic.

The post Wokism: The End of Coexistence and Forgiveness appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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